Dhanteras on 14th to Pushy Nakshatra 17, Learn More about Shopping, October festival festival

Dhanteras on 14th to Pushy Nakshatra 17, Learn More about Shopping, October festival festival

New Delhi : Shopping of Pushya Nakshatra before Deepawali is of particular importance. Therefore, the importance of shopping increases. Dhanteras is on October 17th, before being a Pushy Nakshatra, the purchase will increase. On Saturdays at 3.41 pm Pushya Nakshatra is up to 9.54 of the day.

According to Pandit Ramdev Pandey, the flower nakshatra is the king of the constellation. Purchase in this constellation increases the wealth of wealth. This time coincidence that the lord of the constellation is Saturn and the day is also Saturn. Although the old belief is that the Karthik side is called Yum Panchkak. At this time no new work is forbidden.

Shopping museum

Food, food grains up to 7.33 in the morning
Up to 9.13 pm, vehicles, machines, textiles, shares, household goods,
Variable 14.12 car, moving object, gazette
Profit 15.51 profit earning machines, tools, computers, shares
Jewelry, utensils, toys, textiles, stationery, until nectar 17.31
Household goods, foodgrains, medicines till 19.11.1

Festival of October

16th October Govts Dvashashi
October 17 Dhanteras, Kameshwar Jayanti, Hell Chaturdashi
October 18 Kali Puja, Hanuman Jayanti
19th October Deepawali
20th October Govardhan Pooja, Annikoot
Pooja on 21 October Bhaiya Duj, pen dentistry
24th October Chhat Baiyya Khay
October 25 October
26th October First Arrival Sunset 5.36
27 October second half sunrise 6.24
31 October Dev Raised Ekadashi (But due to the Guru's departure from the marriage wedding 19 November)
November 4 Kartik Purnima
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