What Are the Benefits of Early Morning Exercise?What Are the Benefits of Early Morning Exercise?
What Are the Benefits of Early Morning Exercise?
Not everyone is built to work out in the morning, and that’s OK. But if you can motivate yourself to hit the gym in the early hours, you can reap some pretty big benefits. Here are 15 reasons to wake up early and get yourself moving.
1.The sense of accomplishment
Exercising in the morning means you can cross something off your to-do list before most people have even had their morning coffee. The sense of accomplishment this brings can't help but put a positive spin on your day.\
2. You're getting it over with
Not every workout is met with a burst of energy. Sometimes we dread the mere thought of lacing up a pair of sneakers. By pushing your workout to the AM, you’re able to get it over with, which is better than spending the day wishing you didn’t have to hit the gym on the way home from work.
It will wake you up
What’s better than a double shot of espresso? A morning workout. Exercising in the morning will perk you up and help keep your energy levels up throughout the day.
4.The gym will be less crowded
Later afternoon, as people are heading home from the office is usually peak gym time. You might have a better shot at nabbing a spot in your favourite spin class if you exercise in the morning.
You're more likely to have a healthy breakfast
A morning workout will require you to fuel your body in a way that energizes you. This means you’re much more likely to opt for that healthy smoothie instead of a muffin or fast food breakfast sandwich.
6. ou'll make more healthy choices throughout the day
Often, when we start the day with a healthy choice like working out, we’re more likely to want to continue in that vein. If you exercise in the morning you may find yourself making other healthy choices such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or opting to bypass the cupcakes in the break room
7. You're less likely to bail
The more time you give yourself before your date with the gym, the more likely you are to bail on working out depending on your mood. Whereas an early morning workout leaves less room for excuses
8. It will clear your head
Start the day with a totally clean slate with the help of a morning workout. Whether it’s a five-kilometre run, calorie-blasting spin class or an hour at the yoga studio, exercising in the morning will clear your head so you can start the day minus any nagging fears or doubts from the night before.
9. You'll feel less stressed during the day
Exercise is a great tool in the defence against stress and by working out in the morning, you’re helping to ensure that stress doesn’t get the best of you during your day. A morning workout will help lower your stress levels leaving you better able to deal efficiently with any problems that arise.