Flash-flood turns sedate waterfall into a ferocious force of nature in Himalayas – in the blink of an eye (video)
Flash-flood turns sedate waterfall into a ferocious force of nature in Himalayas – in the blink of an eye (

A calm waterfall in Himalayas, starved of essential nutrient, comes alive in an instant thanks to a flash-flood which gushes into it.
As we watch, the waterfall gains volume and force, and smashes down on the rocks changing its colour from muddy to clear white.
A video, which captures the majesty of nature in free flow, is going viral.
It is at least two years old, but definitely worth a watch.
A caption associated with the video indicates that it was recorded on the Rishikesh-Badrinath-Kailashnath Dham Marg, possibly one of the routes taken by the pilgrims along the Rishikesh-Badrinath highway.
There is also a possibility that the flash-flood was created by an outflow from a dam.
The waterfall was wasted on the photographer, who in the middle of the flow, cuts into record other onlookers.